EAP, the European Association of Psychotherapy, is a European umbrella association for psychotherapy. As it has been fixed in the “Strassburger Erklärung” (Strasbourg Declaration) in 1990, the EAP stands for high standards in the training of scientifically based psychotherapy and for a free and independent practice of psychotherapy.

Together with the ECP, the European Certification of Psychotherapy, the EAP constituted these standards and thus seeks to establish a valid certificate within Europe, the aim of which is the mutual acknowledgement and equation of all psychotherapists.

For attaining this aim the EAP attempts to establish a communication platform with the EU.

Further development is to be expected because the EAP today represents already 128 organisations from 41 European countries.

Training institutes recognised by the EAP are allowed to give the ECP to their graduates, which already today guarantees a high quality standard. The next years will show which advantages and further consequences the ECP will bring about.

Being recognised by the EAP does not (yet) mean national recognition and must not be interpreted as being given the right to bill therapy at the health insurance companies.

The validation process of the ddif and its qualification according to the AEP/ECP will be brought on the way as soon as possible. We expect a positive decision because the curriculum orients itself on the one of the institute for psychotherapy in Aarhus, which has in Denmark been successfully judged by criteria which are adequate to those of the ECP.