Training in Family Therapy

Our training in family therapy addresses individuals who work with people, in particular those who would like to develop and qualify their therapeutic skills or who intend to start their own therapeutic office.
Training takes place over the course of four years consisting of a basic training and development course two years each. There are 28 days of training each year spread on seven blocks of three, four and fives days. In addition, three lectures on theory which are mandatory are held during basic training.

For most of the participants English will be a foreign language. The group will have to find a way how to communicate well. For sure it would be helpfull if from each different country at least two people will join the training.
A European class will be a new experience, not only in terms of communication but also because of the different cultural backgrounds. I can imagine that we will all profit a lot from this diversity.

Basic Training

Basic training enables the trainee to work with families on a process-oriented basis. It opens up the trainee’s view for the family-dynamic approach, also within educational institutions. In individual cases and on application it may be possible to receive a separate certificate after finishing only the first two years of training.
In Berlin, our training is officially recognised according to local law (§ 11, BiUrlG).

First training in the English language will start in January 2014.

Dates and Venue 2014
Criteria of Acceptance
Info Meetings
Fees and Costs